Our goal is to provide the best possible hypnosis to our clients, while operating in an upmost professional manner at
all times. These policies have been formulated from much experience. They are in place to insure your comfort, safety, and a successful hypnosis experience. Since it's our standard company practice to notify all of our clients about reviewing this information prior to an appointment, participating in a hypnosis session serves as an automatic acknowledgment that you have read, understand, and agree to the information outlined on this page. | ![]() |
About Hypnosis Sessions In General:
Because the majority of our clients have never experienced a hypnosis session, there is often a degree of uncertainty as to what to expect. Therefore, we wanted to cover this first.
Some clients might have the impression that visiting a hypnosis provider is similar to visiting a medical office. However, this isn’t accurate at all. In fact, although many Hypnotherapist's have a "practice" working with clients, a Hypnotherapist is NOT a medical doctor. It's important to differentiate between the two because hypnosis is often performed in ways and in settings that medical procedures would never be conducted.
For example, several different and even popular ways that hypnosis is conducted include casinos, hotel conference rooms, and in nightclubs. In addition, some hypnosis providers might meet clients at a hospital while others might work from a storefront or strip mall location. Some operate from a home office while others travel to the client to perform the session. There are even some hypnosis providers that focus primarily on conducting telephone or Skype (computer-based) sessions. Whatever the setting, it’s important to understand that there truly isn’t a right or wrong way of helping people with hypnosis - just different ways.
About Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center:
Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center is a private hypnotherapy practitioner provider, that is more experienced working one-on-one with client’s independently - without the need for peer assistance or support. As such, sessions are generally conducted a variety of ways such as visiting a clients location, Skype Hypnosis (computer hypnosis), Telephone Hypnosis Sessions, and a client visiting a specified agreed location, including our fully private and confidential home-based office setting - similar to how many of today’s high-end private therapists and independent counselors work with their patients.
Through our many years of experience, we have found this to be the most successful approach for clients. Since most folks are seeking our help for personal and private reasons such as anxiety, depression, sexual issues, substance addictions, phobias, fears, weight issues, and more - this provides them with a higher level of privacy and confidentiality than an open public facility. In addition, we also work with many high-end clients that would rather keep their decision to pursue hypnosis to themselves.

You will find that we provide a welcoming, friendly, and down to earth atmosphere where you can openly discuss your issue and more importantly - change your life. You also get to enjoy other benefits like:
Terms and Conditions
The following terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center's Website, as well as policies relating to our private hypnosis services and sessions, which may be conducted in a variety of ways including visiting a clients location, Skype Hypnosis (computer hypnosis), Telephone Hypnosis Sessions, and a client visiting a specified agreed location.
Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center mailing address is:
94 Haven Street
Warwick, Rhode Island - 02889
By accessing this website and/or attending a hypnosis session with us, it is understood that you accept these terms, conditions, and policies in full.
The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice and any or all Agreements: “Client”, “You” and “Your” refers to you, the person accessing this website and accepting the Company’s terms and conditions. “The Company”, “Ourselves”, “We”, “Our” and “Us”, refers to our Company. “Party”, “Parties”, or “Us”, refers to both the Client and ourselves, or either the Client or ourselves. All terms refer to the offer, acceptance and consideration of payment necessary to undertake the process of our assistance to the Client in the most appropriate manner, whether by formal meetings of a fixed duration, or any other means, for the express purpose of meeting the Client’s needs in respect of provision of the Company’s stated services/products, in accordance with and subject to, prevailing law of . Any use of the above terminology or other words in the singular, plural, capitalisation and/or he/she or they, are taken as interchangeable and therefore as referring to same.
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Most of the modern day interactive web sites use cookies to enable us to retrieve user details for each visit. Cookies are used in some areas of our site to enable the functionality of this area and ease of use for those people visiting. Some of our affiliate / advertising partners may also use cookies.
Unless otherwise stated, Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center and/or it’s licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center. All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may view and/or print pages from http://www.rihypnosis.com for your own personal use subject to restrictions set in these terms and conditions.
You must not:
1. Republish material from http://www.rihypnosis.com
2. Sell, rent or sub-license material from http://www.rihypnosis.com
3. Reproduce, duplicate or copy material from http://www.rihypnosis.com
4. Redistribute content from Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center (unless content is specifically made for redistribution).
Hypnosis Service Outline:
Although we are not a medical provider who diagnose and treats medical related issues or problems, we take our hypnosis practice very serious. Therefore, we do create a client profile that may include questions about your prior medical background including medications you are taking. It is important not to underestimate the importance of disclosing this information to us.
Fees and Payments:
Any and all session fees are considered compensation for the time being reserved and/or spent with Joseph Gionti of Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center to attempt to guide you into hypnosis, and they are determined on a "case by case" basis. All payments are non-refundable and are due in full at the beginning of each session.
Unfortunately we cannot accept personal checks on your first visit. Also, if you want to pay via credit card, there is a $5.00 surcharge. Pre-payments and/or overpayments are also non-refundable and can only be credited towards future sessions that are booked in a timely manner (within 15 days from your last visit).
Transfer, Release and Request of Session Records:
We will not transfer any session records without a signed release form from you. You have the right to coordinate a transfer of your session records to another service provider or you can request a copy for personal use. A service charge of $25.00 will be assessed to transfer or provide any copies of your records. This charge is due in full prior to releasing any records. All Video and/or Audio recordings are for internal review only, and ARE NOT considered part of a clients file records. Therefore, they cannot be transferred or provided.
We do not bill insurance companies for services, however some insurance companies may reimburse you for hypnosis services. You will need to consult with your insurance company or review your policy for details.
Client Information and Record Confidentiality:
Client records, personal information and session records are fully confidential, and will never be shared unless a release of these records is authorized in writing by the client, a breach of this policy agreement has been made by the client, or unless we are required by law to release your information to law enforcement.
Time-Frame of Service:
In most cases, hypnosis is considered to be a rapid form of therapy, typically ranging from 2 to 4 sessions. However, in rare occasions, it may last longer. Since no two people are alike. there is no way to guarantee a time frame for success. With the exception of a few clients who choose to continue ongoing hypnosis sessions for enjoyment and the exploration of hypnosis, 8 sessions is generally our limit. If you are having trouble reaching your desired level of change within 8 sessions, we may recommend that you consider another form of help.
Recording Hypnosis Sessions:
We reserve the right to record all of our hypnosis sessions that we perform. This may include but is not limited to audio recordings, video recordings, or both. Hypnosis session recordings are for documentation purposes, and will never be shared or distributed with anyone, unless applicable by law. They are also not considered part of your session records.
During a hypnosis session:
During the hypnosis session, we will bring you down to a very relaxed state. We will monitor you at all times during the process. If we are conducting a phone session, we may ask you questions from time to time, since we can not actually see you. We will usually incorporate positive suggestions that are necessary to accomplish the desired goal, and reinforcement that aligns with your goal(s). If there are any indications that you are not responding well to the hypnosis session for any reason such as prior emotional trauma or regressed memories, we will terminate the session and bring you back up from your hypnotized state.
After a Hypnosis Session:
After we have finished completing your hypnosis session we will monitor you for a short period of time. However, in most cases we will not discuss the session in great detail with you. Just like how with some medications you need to allow time for your body to react to the medicine, you may also need to give your mind time to digest the suggestions that we have given to you during your session. In addition, for the first few nights following a hypnosis session, some clients report experiencing vivid dreams. This is completely normal and natural, and is in most cases they usually subside after just a few nights.
Completing Your Program:
Unlike open-ended sessions, where a client pays a set amount at each visit, our programs primarily consist of a predetermined number of sessions, and are usually paid for up front and in full. It’s important that you follow your program in a timely manner, as recommended by us. We will make every effort to book subsequent sessions. However, if within 15 days from your last visit we have received no response from you, we will close your file as resolved and completed. Please note that we will not be able to issue any refunds for unused sessions.
Just the same as any other form of treatment or therapy, all clients need to be realistic about the results of hypnosis. No medical doctor would put his or her reputation on the line by claiming that a particular procedure or medication will 100% cure something - 100% of the time. The same goes for hypnosis. Although we always put forth our best effort to helping all of our clients, it is simply unrealistic to say that it will help every client with every issue - 100% of the time. Therefore, despite its success rate, we can not guarantee results.
Terms of Service Agreement:
Notice: THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS HAS NOT ADOPTED EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING STANDARDS FOR THE PRACTICE OF HYPNOTISM. Although Joseph Gionti of Rhode Island Hypnosis Center has received training in many areas of hypnosis including Lap Band Hypnosis, Pediatrics Hypnosis, Parts Therapy Hypnosis, and more, I understand that Hypnotism is generally considered a self-regulated profession. Furthermore, none of the terms in packet should be taken to imply that Joseph Gionti is a medical doctor who diagnoses and/or treats any medical conditions.
While the majority of our clients are down to earth folks who are simply in need of help, there are exceptions. For example, some people might actually self-sabotage themselves by arriving for a session, only to fixate on unrelated (non-hypnosis) things such as office setup, decor, wall decorations, background sounds, fragrances or scents, furniture color, and more. While it’s apparent that these people aren’t serious about changing their lives, sadly this takes time away from people who truly need our help. Therefore, by attending your session, you acknowledge that you do not suffer from any undisclosed personal issues and/or problems that can prevent you from participating in a hypnosis session at said location(s).
I understand that Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center is not a walk-in public facility. As such, they do not retail directly or provide general public services and/or amenities. I also understand that I am electing to visit the agreed upon location on my own free will to voluntary participate in a private one-on-one hypnosis session. All sessions and/or visits are by appointment only.
I understand that Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center strives to provide a clean and relaxing environment to all clients at all times. However, this is a busy functional working office. As such, I understand that they may utilize standard cleaning products such as room deodorizers, fabric cleaners, and scented items, and they do not discriminate against select clients such as smokers or pet owners. Therefore, I certify that I do not have any allergies or extreme sensitivities that may affect my visit for a hypnosis session.
I realize that my progress is based on my participation. Therefore, I agree to complete any and all homework assigned between sessions, and to utilize all suggested tools including self-hypnosis, listening to follow up audio’s, exercises, affirmations, journalizing, and following all other recommendations. I agree to voice any concerns to the hypnotist at the time they occur. However, while I am free to voice a concern, I also understand that a session fee is considered compensation for the time Joseph Gionti has set aside to help me with my issues as I requested. Therefore, I will still be required to pay for the full session.
I understand that I am in full control at all times during hypnosis, and I assume full responsibility for all my actions. The hypnotist cannot make me do or say anything against my will, and will only utilize positive and/or necessary suggestions that are designed to assist me in accomplishing my intended goal. In addition, while hypnosis is considered a very safe self-help option, I acknowledge that I am freely electing to participate in a hypnosis session at my own rick with Joseph Gionti of Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis center.
I understand that any and all provided materials, tools and information including but not limited to passwords, audio’s and techniques provided to me by Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center, remains the property of Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center, and are for personal use only. I will never distribute, sell, share, or make unauthorized copies without the expressed written consent of Joseph Gionti of Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center.
I understand that session fees are compensation for Joseph Gionti setting aside personal time to hypnotize me at my request. As such, I agree to never attempt any fraudulent and unethical activities including but not limited to initiating chargebacks on credit card payments or placing a stop payments on personal checks. I understand that any such action automatically severs the confidentiality aspect of this agreement authorizing Joseph Gionti to release and/or disclose my information to concerning parties including but not limited to law enforcement agencies, fraud protection services, and 3rd party collection agencies. Any and all payments made to Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center are non-refundable.
I understand that Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center has a "stand-alone" cancellation policy meaning, it is openly and publicly disclosed via the main Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center website, it is cited in my appointment emails and/or reminder phone calls, and it has it's own section within the New Client Welcome Page. Therefore, I am aware that if I need to change, reschedule or cancel my appointment, I need to call Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center 48-hours prior to my appointment. I understand that appointment changes cannot be accepted via email or online. My failure to call 48-hours prior may result in a late cancellation and/or no-show loss of business fee being assessed.
I understand that while Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center strives to provide me with a safe environment, as the initiating party, I forever release and hold harmless, Joseph Gionti and all other participants acting on behalf of Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center, from any and all claims for liability, including but not limited to injuries to, from, and at any working locations, and damages of any kind whatsoever - including attorneys' fees, arising from my breach of these terms. In no event shall I ever be entitled to recover more than the amount paid by me.
I certify that am at least 18 years old, or the legal guardian of the minor child who will be participating in the hypnosis session. I fully understand and execute this release on my own free will and without any undue influence.
I fully understand that this policy information page is subject to change at any time, and for any reason. Therefore, it’s my responsibility to review this information prior to each hypnosis session.
© Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center. All rights reserved.