Frequently Asked Questions

A little more information about us
Rhode Island Advanced Hypnosis Center is a private clinical hypnosis provider who has helped thousands of people change and improve their lives since 1995. We are the only Advanced Hypnosis Provider in Rhode Island, and one of only a handful located in the New England area. We are are fully trained and certified in many areas of hypnosis that are not offered in standard hypnosis training - like Gastric Band Surgery Hypnosis, Regression Hypnosis, and Pediatrics Hypnosis.
What makes Advanced Hypnotherapy different?
Approximately 97% of all hypnosis providers offer use short-term relief programs in their practice. The reason is that they are quick and easy for the provider, as they are not very detailed. However, these methods can take many sessions to work, and they usually only provide a temporary fix. Advanced hypnosis is a deeper method that combines advanced tools, scientific technology, and a client centered process to get to the root cause of an issue or problem. In short - it's a more detailed method so it actually resolves issues faster - with most clients staying changed.
Can I get Advanced Hypnosis elsewhere?
Yes - there are other advanced hypnosis providers, but not in Rhode Island. Advanced Hypnosis is actually a specific method of performing hypnosis that requires special training and education - and not every hypnosis provider is trained in this area.
Can I be hypnotized?
While everyone is capable of being hypnotized, statically speaking, hypnosis is effective for approximately 90 to 94% of all people. The fact is, there are essential characteristics that make some people more hypnotizable than others. We always take time to ensure that hypnosis is best for our clients, before they come in for a session.
Does insurance pay for hypnosis?
Although hypnosis is recognized by the American Medical Association, insurance companies have yet to catch with the times. So unfortunately, hypnosis is not billable by hypnosis providers directly to insurance companies. This also includes if your counselor or psychologist uses it in his or her practice. However, some insurence providers may reimburse you for certain services. You will want to check this information beforehand.
How much does hypnosis cost?
We can't answer that until we know what you need. As an Advanced Hypnosis practitioner, we don't use a One-Size-Fits-All approach. Instead, we offer an array of affordable quality hypnosis options from Special Pediatrics Hypnosis and traditional hypnosis sessions - to more advanced all-inclusive Hypnosis Programs. In fact, there are even select hypnosis services that we have elected to offer for FREE. So we really need to know what you are looking for.
This being said, we can tell you that our service fees are competitive. In fact, hypnosis is a professional field and as such, pricing is generally guided by the industry. This is a good thing because it means that as long as you are working with a trained professional within the same area of the country - then the service fees should be about the same no matter who you go to. This enables you to focus on finding a quality hypnosis provider that is a good fit - instead of worrying about price.
How many sessions will I need?
This is going to depend on several different factors. However, if you are receiving a quality hypnosis program or hypnosis sessions from a trained and certified professional, most people find they are able to resolve their issue or problem in only 2 to 4 visits.
What is your client success rate?
It's extremely important to understand that hypnosis success rates can and do vary. Success by hypnosis is dependent on many varaibles including your personal attitude, motivation, cooperation, timely attendance of scheduled sessions, and more. However, we can say that on average, 90% to 94% of our clients reach their intended goal within the projected timeframe.
Do you offer any type of guarantee?
While it's unethical to guarantee results, we do guarantee many things such as - we guarantee to customize your hypnosis services instead of using a "Cookie Cutter" approach, we guarantee professionalism never to judge your reason for visiting us, and always respect your privacy through guaranteed confidentiality. We also offer our Honesty Guarantee to remain truthful and up front at all times, and our No Pressure Guarantee - never to push anyone into setting or making appointments with us.
What will my session feel like or be like?
When it comes to hypnosis, you cannot see it, smell it, or taste it while it is happening. However, while you are in a Heightened State of relaxation, you are more open to suggestions and assertions. During hypnosis you will feel very relaxed - similar to when your attention is focused on a good book or a television program. However, it is not sleep and you will typically be very aware of everything that occurs. You are also 100% in control at all times.
Will I ever return to my issue or problem in the future?
While most clients do not, it really does depend on the situation. For example, if we assist you with a fear of dogs, and you get bit by a dog a few weeks later, you CAN develop another fear of dogs. Also, if you smoke that one cigarette just to test if the hypnosis worked, you CAN become a smoker again. Therefore, although we do our best to ensure that you will leave our office changed, hypnosis cannot and does not make you immune to every single possible future situation, temptation, or mishap.
Can I combine other tools with hypnosis?
Sure. While hypnosis is normally all you need, there is certainly nothing wrong with taking steps on your own to increase your chances of success. If you are currently using or plan to use additional tools like personal or physical therapy, weight loss products/services, or stop smoking aids, we will take measures to ensure that your hypnosis program supports the use of additional tools. Just be sure to let us know ahead of time so we can factor it into your session(s).
Why do group hypnosis sessions fail?
Group hypnosis has proven to work for less than 2% of those in attendance. The primary reason it fails is because it is often very generic in nature. With a group session it is impossible to address each individual's specific needs, habits, and triggers. It is also impossible in a group setting for all attendees to achieve the appropriate level of relaxation for hypnosis to work. Because of their extremely low success rate, group hypnotists actually do more harm than good to the professional field of clinical hypnotherapy. Simply put, people become discouraged when the group session fails, and this adds one more person to the mix of people who falsely believe that hypnosis doesn't work, or that they cannot be hypnotized.
How about using free hypnosis items off the Internet?
The old saying comes to mind - you get what you pay for. Now, don't get us wrong - we love free hypnosis stuff and even share it from time to time. However, we do it more for entertainment reasons, not as a serious aid. Also, we take time to evaluate it beforehand to ensure that it is safe.
So if it's free what's the harm or risk? The more serious problem is that while hypnosis is generally safe (when done properly), taking chances with a free hypnosis item online is not a smart choice because you don't really know who it is that is actually behind making it. If hypnosis is not done correctly, it could do more damage than good. And good luck trying to contact some unknown Internet person if something goes wrong. Instead, you will end up hiring a clinical hypnosis professional just to undo the damage that some free hypnosis item caused. Is it really worth it?
How do I get started?
The most critical but often underestimated first step is simply finding out if we are a good fit for you as a hypnosis provider, and if you are a good fit for us as a hypnosis client. Every hypnosis provider has a different method, and offers different programs and services. And some are simply faster, more effective, and less expensive overall – than others.
Therefore, the first step is call us to arrange a quick no-pressure informative phone consultation with our Hypnotherapist, or you can even get started online with our quick and easy Exclusive Online Hypnosis Screening Tool.
Click Here.